
In the summer of 2022, the overturn of Roe v. Wade led to a the sudden loss of abortion access in the United States, leaving millions of women and families uncertain about remaining protections, methods of seeking medical, financial, and legal assistance, and what a post-Roe future looked like. Two months later, my team of five designers participated in UMO Design’s 2022 Design x Social Global Innovation Challenge, with the theme of “Designing for Crisis”. Since abortion access was an issue close to all of our hearts, we chose to combat the reproductive health crisis by creating MyChoice, a comprehensive reproductive health website that provides resources for the pregnancy and abortion process and an overall sense of community and security during challenging times.


Challenge: Designing an urgent response to the abrupt disruption to abortion access and worsening reproductive health crisis in the United States.

Solution: A women's reproductive health website connecting at-risk individuals with vital pregnancy and abortion resources, medical advice, and a compassionate community

Award: 1st place - Best Design Overall

Timeframe: 6 weeks

Team size: 5 people

Key Features: Landing Page, Pregnancy Timeline, Information Pages, Chatbox with Medical Professionals, Forum, Service Locator


Secondary Research

Combing through research articles and new reports shed light on how losing abortion access at a national level was only the culmination of a series of failings in education access and pregnancy protections that spanned the past several decades. Yes, the attack on abortion access had immediate consequences for currently pregnant and at-risk women and families, and opened doors to further restrictions on information access. But furthermore, the crisis of the Roe vs. Wade overturn had aggravated the longstanding problem of ineffective reproductive education in the United States. American citizens lacked access to publicly available education on reproductive health. Although increasing access to safe abortion would provide an immediate solution to the effects of the recent abortion ban, educating individuals extensively about reproductive health, especially through community-led efforts, would provide long term societal benefits such as increasing financial stability, reducing unplanned pregnancies and STDs, and combating social and racial disparities in health care accessibility. 

Key Findings

Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade,

  • 13 states and counting have ended nearly all abortion services

  • 400% increase in patients seeking out-of-state care

  • 5 fold increase in requests to abortion funds for financial help with gas and airfare for out-of-state abortions

  • 3000% surge in sales for emergency contraceptives

This proved to be dire for women seeking abortions, as

“Women who are denied requested abortions are more likely to die or experience serious complications, more likely to experience poor physical health for years after the pregnancy, and more likely to stay with abusive partners and suffer anxiety and loss of self-esteem.” -UCSF, 2020

The current status of reproductive health education also didn’t seem promising.

“Between 2015–2019, only half of adolescents reported receiving sex education that met the minimum standard articulated in Healthy People 2030.” -Guttmacher Institute, 2022

“As restrictions on abortion access increase, enabling young people to prevent unwanted pregnancies through comprehensive sex education will become even more important in preventing teen pregnancy and STIs.” -Vox, 2022

However, one discovery shed light on what might be the most effective approach to address this lack of education, eventually evolving into our ultimate solution.

“Adolescents may use a variety of media sources to fill in gaps from sexuality education, and there is a growing interest among adolescents to access sexual health information online that is written in language they can understand.”

-The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2020

User Interviews and Surveying

From 5 user interviews and 27 survey responses, we found that

  • Sex education in school settings is generally not useful, informative, or interesting

  • The pregnancy process is long, confusing, painful, and draining

  • Major barriers to reproductive access included money/lack of insurance, the need to be discreet, and lack of understanding of resources and first steps

  • People are interested in learning about reproductive health in interactive and personal formats

  • People tend to get health information from their doctor and would prefer to listen to credible sources.

  • 67% of participants would prefer to use a chat box instead of Zoom to talk to a medical professional/volunteer.

  • 64% of participants would prefer to learn more about reproductive health through a website rather than phone app.

  • The topics that participants would most want to learn about are abortion legality, abortion process, pregnancy, STDs, and the menstrual cycle


Affinity Mapping

Affinity mapping was a very helpful visual in connecting similarities between user interviews and survey responses and using those findings to highlight common user needs.

User Needs


“As a person that didn’t receive the best reproductive health education when I was younger, I want an effective online resource so that I can make more informed decisions in the future.”


Modules to learn more about reproductive health + abortion access 

“As a person who just found out that I am pregnant, I want someone or something to tell me the next step (+ the rest of the process) so that I feel can feel less anxious.”

Timeline overview of process, ability to chat with professionals and interact with peers in a community setting 

“As a person who has very strict, religious parents, I want to be anonymous so that I don’t get in trouble.”

Onboarding and creating a profile will be optional 

“As a person who doesn’t have insurance, I want to compare my best options (price and quality-wise) so that my financial burden is mitigated.”

A service locator feature that allows users to compare prices for different abortion + health services

“As a person who has been deceived by a health professional, I want full-transparency and the ability to back out so that I feel secure.”

All medical professionals will be verified and required to make profiles


Final Solution

Introducing MyChoice, a comprehensive reproductive health and abortion information website that addresses the problem of the general lack of comprehensive education and understanding of reproductive health, and the process of getting an abortion. Not only does this solution fill in gaps of knowledge that many identified users need, but it also prioritizes community, credibility, security, privacy, and interactivity, which are all qualities that potential users deemed important for our solution to include. Many websites, apps, and social media platforms have touched upon individual aspects of our solution, but MyChoice is the first website to combine all these features into an all-in-one platform. In addition, websites such as Planned Parenthood and Plan B are informative but can be impersonal and daunting for individuals to visit. Our solution empathizes with the fear and uncertainty that individuals may face and focuses on providing medically-accurate information and also a strong sense of community for individuals to build a long-lasting support network during difficult times.

Feature Set

  1. Homepage: Landing page to get guided help through the timeline, access learning articles, see forum activity, and chat with a professional

  2. Timeline: A guide for the pregnancy process with options for additional information and help during each milestone, based on optional personal information that the user inputs

  3. Information Page: Articles to learn more about key terms and steps in the abortion and pregnancy process

  4. Chatbox: A chatbot will assist users in getting access to a health care professional to address their needs

  5. Forum: A place to find others that have been in similar situations, share experiences,  and build a community

  6. Service Locator: A map of various abortion services and clinics based on radius, location, and price


Low Fidelity Prototype

As this was a design challenge, my team only had three weeks to complete the first stage, which included the whole design process from research to defining a problem to designing the final solution. By the time we got to the designing stage, we only had about a week left, and rapid prototyping was key!

Rapid wireframing with the Crazy Eights exercise! We challenged ourselves to get ideas down on paper as quickly as possible, and surprisingly, this led to a lot of great ideas. Some version of many of these sketches make it into the final prototype!



Service Locator


Low Fidelity Feedback

During this challenge, we also worked closely with our design mentor Viraj, and he was instrumental in giving us necessary feedback for rapidly iterating from low-fi to high-fi designs in a short span of time. These were some of his low-fi suggestions:

  • Remember to keep consistent navigation and design choices (important considering a different designer was working on each feature)

  • If there are five main features, make all features accessible on the homepage

  • Consider removing the calendar all together and highlighting the timeline

  • Have the chat popup follow the user from page to page

  • Remember that users scan information from top left to bottom right, and prioritize information accordingly

High Fidelity Prototype

Style Guide incorporating warm pinks and peaches for a welcoming and feminine feel

Homepage with access to all five features

Timeline showing options at each week of pregnancy

Information page on surgical abortion

Chat virtually with a medical professional

Forum to connect with others and get advice on various topics

Service Locator with various filters by service, location, and price


Completing this design challenge was incredibly fulfilling as I witnessed a product come to life in such a short period of time. Rapid iteration to solve an issue close to my heart were nothing short of exhilarating, and the seamless collaboration with the rest of the team reinforced my belief that these experiences were what initially drew me to become a product designer. Winning the Best Design Overall with MyChoice is a tremendous honor, and I hope that one day this website can go live and make a meaningful impact on the communities we set out to serve. Special shoutouts to my design team for being such inspirations to me and putting in their all for this challenge, and to our mentor Viraj for supporting us on this journey!